Do u love them?

sdfjnsa ksjdbnfiusah skjdbfias aksdhfiouaw sakdhfa aksdhf oisahdf lkshd kjdhsf sdlkfj asdlfkjh asdf/lh safkugh sdf;iug sdiuf ksdUbhf oihsdf ;oihdsf ;oih ;'ioh ;ghu ;lkhj lkjh jh kjh ;oiuh oih lkjh sdf oiuhdf

asiduhf sa;odifh adisufh ;hiu dsfgh o;ih sfg ;pihgt sdfg ;ohidsrg asdrg ;oih sgr ;oihsdr sdfg ;hid lkjh sdfg sdfgh ;lhksdf dfgh lh sdfg lkh sdfg ;lkh lhk sdrfgh lkhjdx

Created by: naomi
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. where did u meet this person?
  2. where did u meet this person?
  3. how often to u see this person?
  4. how much do u think about this person?
  5. how far would u go ?
  6. do u care wat they look like?
  7. would u rather.......for 5 min
  8. do perfer..
  9. r they next to u?
  10. if u said yes would u kiss them?

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