do u like marshmello

it mostly just for fun it is not that you know him allot or like his music allot.As i said it is just for fun it is not that you like him or not you might like him.

if you like the quiz let me know or if you don,t like the quiz it is fine if yo tell me i really don,t care the quiz is mostly just for fun you don,t have to know him ok

Created by: isaac
  1. choose a song
  2. when is marshmello's birth day
  3. where was he born
  4. what is his most popular song
  5. what month and day was he born
  6. how old is he
  7. does he talk
  8. what color does he were
  9. does he were a mask
  10. in what place did he ranked in Dj MAGs 2017

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