Do u know rush hour, rush hour 2 and rush hour 3

Some people have never seen rush hour ,rush hour 2 or rush hour 3 ......and those people r loserz.....and they probably dont like action movies.its ok but if u wanna take this quiz make sure u did your best

so have you watched the movie or do u have to go to have u got what it takes or are u a loser who dont like great movies...sure if u hate action thats ok...anyways good luck........PLEASE COMMENT

Created by: mj fan
  1. Who pays lee
  2. Who plays Carter
  3. What is Carter's first name
  4. does lee have a brother
  5. if u chose yes what is his name
  6. who was lee's girfriend
  7. y did him and his girlfriend break up
  8. lee and carter worked for..
  9. What did carter say to the main villian in rush hour 2
  10. what did lee always want to do
  11. in rush hour three what did carter and lee have
  12. did lee ever shoot carter's girl
  13. fill in the sentence:im carter___________________
  14. man i think i should buy her a teddy bear and a.....
  15. who got fat in rush hour three

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