Do u know How to survive?

This is very good and accurate quiz compared to all the others because iv just released my zombie survivel guide to the real world, plz try to buy it.

This is very good and accurate quiz compared to all the others because iv just released my zombie survivel guide to the real world, plz try to buy it....

Created by: Nick
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do u know about Zombies
  2. What wepone would u perfer?
  3. How do zombies work?
  4. What car would u drive?
  5. Where would u go?
  6. How many people do u prefer?
  7. If u had to pick one person to take who would it be?
  8. If u picked The hot girl and she got bitten what would u do?
  9. If u were sorrounded by zombies and u only had a gernade and a axe what would u do?
  10. Last stand!!!!!

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