Do u fit korean beauty standerds? **

Ur legit so beautiful and if u dont get much gorly sometime somwhere u could fit the beauty standard 100% :> I need more charecters so Kswlwjwkwp28i2nsnsns xndjdjdjdjsksksksiddidjdhfnkdlaksgdossjshsijssikejwiejsjsjsjdjdosodkdidodskksosksdusjeijesndjisododkdkdkdifidjfjfkdosodsididuufudufugufidiodks Goodell jsowwjowieisjdhdhdhdhdjdjdjdkdkdk

If u get below 60% gorl ur not ugly ur just unique! Life would be boring if everybody looks the same! I need to ahve more charecters so spajapahacq9wuwve92whjbsjsowjshsjsjsospspsoeejejejeiejenejeueuejenekeoeoe3738ejsbdbsjsosksjshsjdidieieododododosoddodododododododododofoor9rr9eoekek

Created by: Hehehe hi
  1. 1. Are you slim?
  2. What body type do you have?
  3. What is ur face shape?
  4. Do you have a slim waist?
  5. Whats ur lip shape gorly
  6. Eye shape?
  7. What is ur skin tone
  8. R u beautiful?
  9. Ur beautiful
  10. Do u have a defined collarbone?
  11. Are u elegant? The korean bauty standerds also ahve personality

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