Do they have a crush on you? (Doesn't have to be your crush)

Find out whether you have a secret admirer or not. Be wary of disappointment or delight in your answers! (Does not contain expert advice. only for fun.)

For girls and boys (Intended for straight people not gay or lesbian people) BTW this was written by a teen so don't overestimate the quiz! Find better advice if you actually need it!

Created by: Bella
  1. Do they stare at you in class?
  2. Do they talk to you or about you?
  3. Do they try to stand or sit by you whenever you're around?
  4. Do they ever see you ever do anything you're really good at?
  5. Do they ever see you do anything you're really bad at?
  6. Do they act like they like you?
  7. How often do they see you?
  8. Do they tease you in a friendly or mean way? Or even not at all?
  9. Have you heard any rumors about it?
  10. Do they laugh at your jokes even if they're not funny?

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Quiz topic: Do they have a crush on you? (Doesn't have to be my crush)
