do they have a chrush on you? omg

I made this to tell you wether they have a chrush on you or not. remember not all relashonships are good if you are in a tocsic relasonship get help. you are not aloun.

you are a good person (hope fily) there are dating apps to help you get a relashonsip but not all people are good and will try to heret you so all ways insher that the person is reel.

Created by: DADDY
  1. do they stair at you?
  2. have they ever tuched you in a sexy way?
  3. do they blush when you talk to them?
  4. do they brag about crushes?
  5. do they leen in to kiss you?
  6. do they right you love notes?
  7. do they have a nic name for you?
  8. do they make fun of you?
  9. do you like this quiz?(not graded)
  10. do they have a gf/bf?

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