Do people think you're beautiful, cute, or hot?

This will show what them boys/girls that know you, think of you. You will either be spicy hot, charming and beautiful, or shy and cute. Though don't judge if this is't 100% acurat. But, I don't think that'll be a problem.

It will ask a series of questions that you'll have to answer. You will have to answer all of them. If one of the questions dosen't match your answer then pick the one closest to what you think.

Created by: Annabelle
  1. Do you ever flash THAT smile at her/him?
  2. Is love in the question when you think of someone... hot?
  3. What does your crush look like? How do they act?
  4. What is your favorite color?
  5. What is your dream date?
  6. What is your favorite food?
  7. Do you day dream? What do you daydream about?
  8. Be honest... do you ever think of what it would be like to kiss the sam sex?
  9. Almost done, Do you stress eat? ( Nothing to be ashamed of)
  10. Last question, do what do you think you are?

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