Do People Think You Are Dumb?

Many quizzes are made to show you how genius you are, OR how dumb you are. This quiz is not for that. It is similar, but not the same. It shows you how dumb people THINK you are. PLEASE TAKE IT!!

This quiz will not tell you if you are smart or dumb, it will tell you if people percive you as smart or dumb. When people first meet you, their opinion of you.

Created by: Jessica

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You really like this guy/girl. You...
  2. You meet someone new. What's the first thing you say to them?
  3. What "clique" are you most likely to be in??
  4. Hi
  5. What food do you order?
  6. How do you dress?
  7. What's your favorite holiday?
  8. Have you won any awards?
  9. If someone asks you a question, you
  10. hi this is not a question

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