Do people talk about you behined your back

do people talk behind your back is a quiz to show how well you know your friends and are they really good friends. some people have 2nd guessed if there friendship is worth keeping. and if they do talk behind your back then there not worth keeping!

do your friends talk behind your back? maybe they do maybe they dont but if your unsure take this quiz! this quiz is ready for you to find out what you have been wanting to find out all along.

Created by: Nia
  1. Do you act mean around good freinds?
  2. Do you act funny and weird when there around you?
  3. Do you give them thanks when they do something nice?
  4. Do you ever talk about them behined there back?
  5. Do you think your friends like you?
  6. Do your freinds act mean around you?
  7. do you think they talk about you?
  8. think about every one of tour friends,,,, are they worth your time?
  9. look at a pic of one of your friends with you in it... were they looking mean
  10. what do you think of this quiz

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Quiz topic: Do people talk about you behined my back