Do people talk about you behind your back?

Do people talk about you behind your back, it may be because they think you are cool or just plain gross. This quiz will tell you if and why people talk about you behind your back. Whether you deserve to be talked about or not. It will also tell you if you are mean, weird, gross or just plain ordinary.

So are you being talked about behind your back? Guess no more, you can find out now, right now. This quiz will not only give you good infomation, but also it kills time and boredom. Wow, this test must be great! So just complete the questions and recieve the answers!

Created by: Teghan

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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  3. Do people give you evil stares?
  4. Do people give you evil stares?
  5. do people smile or frown when you walk past?
  6. how many friends do you have?
  7. do your friends if you have any seem to like you.
  8. do your friends if you have any seem to like you.
  9. Do people wisper, look at you than continue wispering?
  10. Do people wisper, look at you than continue wispering?
  11. do people talk to you sarcasticly
  12. last one, do you believe you are all that?

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Quiz topic: Do people talk about you behind my back?