do people find you boring

some people are boring. come on lets face sooooo many people in todays society that you probably are to. now if you are not sure or you just want to know how much so JUST TAKE THIS QUIZ!!!

some people are boring. come on lets face sooooo many people in todays society that you probably are to. now if you are not sure or you just want to know how much so JUST TAKE THIS QUIZ!!

Created by: gethen jenkins
  1. when talking to people, do you often see them rolling their eyes and muttering under their breath "here he/she goes again!"
  2. do people make up excuses not to go to you'r house?
  3. how would you describe yourself?
  4. do you find this "boring" quiz fun?
  5. are you bored yet?
  6. how about now?
  7. how about now?
  8. how about now?
  9. do you like this quiz?
  10. ok last question can you guess my name?(this affects you'r score)

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