"There are many smart people, and if you take this quiz you will only get more should have not take this quiz of stuff for dumb dumbs! you are stupid.

"There are many smart people, and if you take this quiz you will only get more like a should have not take this quiz of stuff for dumb dumbs! you are a moron.

Created by: Maya

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. I TOLD YOU NOT TO TAKE THIS )*^$@!#%&(
  2. why are you still here
  3. that's it I am setting a bomb off for 5 minuets
  4. okay I stopped the bomb, but I will set it back on if you don't pick a food
  5. you know what I'm sick of people who don't listen to me, so I am going to hypnotize your family! ha!
  6. okay fine, I won't hypnotize your family if you just pick a TV show
  7. that's it, I will leave the world starving!ha ha ha
  8. okay I will stop threatening you if you just rate this THE LAST QUESTIONS ARE FOR PEOPLE WHO SAID NO!
  9. you were supposed to answer the last question yes you !%)^@
  10. GO AWAY!!!!!!!!!

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