Do I Want To Be A Graphic Designer?

Not everyone is entirely sure what they want to do with their life. Here at W.A.D:D.L.E. we encourage people to try out being graphic designers. That isn't the right choice for everyone though.

We are hoping that you taking this survey will help you figure out what you want a little better. We have carefully created questions that relate to the graphic designing field. We tried to give fun answer choices so you wouldn't be bored, because that's what us graphic designers do. We try to make things more fun.

Created by: Samantha
  1. Do you enjoy editing pictures?
  2. Do you want a job that involves using a computer?
  3. Would you consider yourself creative?
  4. Do you like designing?
  5. Do you like to create color schemes?
  6. When you see an ugly picture, do you think of ways to make it look better in your head?
  7. When you see an ugly web page, do you wish you had the power to give it a makeover?
  8. Do you consider yourself to be a good graphic designer?
  9. Are you seriously considering being a Graphic Designer?
  10. Did you know that you could try being a Graphic Designer and still have another job in case it doesn't work out and then your life will never be put on hold?

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