Do I still have feelings for my Ex?

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You will be answering questions about your Ex and you will need to answer these questions with how you actually feel so the test can see if you really do have feelings for your Ex.

thank you so much for going on the quiz i made and getting a score. Please write your thoughts about the quiz so i can know if I have done a good job. PS: I HATE EX's

Created by: YVONG_CHULA37
  1. do you think about them sometimes?
  2. is it hard for you to move on?
  3. is your Ex blocked ?
  4. do you still have feeling for them?
  5. how long did you have no contact for? (how long was it when you guys stopped talking)
  6. did they break up with you, or you broke up with them?
  7. why did you and your Ex break up in the first place??
  8. do you want to get back together with them?
  9. do you see them?
  10. do you think your Ex in good looking?

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