Do I really think I like him?

¨People think the same question do I really like him/her?¨If you think this then your in four a treat.I will help you figure it out.................. "¹3 thanks for just reading this I appreciate it..

SO if you think this question OVER and OVER and OVER.....then your lucky because.....THATS WHAT THIS QUIZ IS ALL..... ABOUT!!! So hurry up all ready and start the QUIZ!!!!!! :)

Created by: lilliana
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How long have you liked him/her?
  2. have you ever done anything involving touch?
  3. Do you hang out with him/her?
  4. does him/her ever try to show off in front of you?
  5. is him/her older or younger than you?
  6. you realize this is a must comment to see if this helps or not?
  7. do you know anything about him/her?
  8. whats him/hers fav color
  9. do you thimk you like him/her?
  10. ready for results?

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