Do I really like him? (For both male and female, all ages)

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Is there a guy that you dont know if you like or not? Take this quiz. That could could be anyone, friend, boyfriend, brother, etc idk. Im only 12 years old so it might be inacurate but its off of my experience

I hope you enjoy this little quiz. there might be spelling, puncuation, and capitalization errors so im sorry in advance, I hope you guys have a good rest of your day/night

Created by: Lol
  1. Does he catch you looking at him?
  2. Do you enjoy talking to him?
  3. Would you like to spend more time with him?
  4. How long have you known each other
  5. Have you met his parents?
  6. Do you know his birthday and zodiac?
  7. How often do you talk?
  8. If both your parents knew his and you invited him over what would you do?
  9. Do you like his siblings?
  10. Final question. Do you think you like each other?

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