Do I really like him?

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Do you really like him/her? Maybe maybe not. Find out here!You could end up married or enemies idk. I really hope this helped you. Love youuuuu! Byee!

Because poetry is such a personal thing, I’m listing classic poems that are the best to me. The best poetry for you may be different. I’m not necessarily looking for rhyme or specific literary tools like assonance, alliteration, or onomatopoeias. I’m looking for poems that really resonate me and made me feel a certain way or gave me a different perspective on life.

Created by: Postman's Bae
  1. What about him caught your attention?
  2. How much do you talk?
  3. What do you talk about?
  4. How do you feel around him?
  5. If he kissed you how would you react?
  6. If you saw him talking to another girl, wyd?
  7. Have you ever social media stalked him?
  8. When you talk to him, are you paying attention?
  9. Can you imagine a future with him?
  10. Finally, what color are his eyes?

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