Do I LIKE him more than friends?

well first quiz and I have no idea what I'm doing, but I do know about crushes, I've had three real ones, so I shoul know a little bit about them, so I might be wrong but, you decide to believe me or not.

you got this for a reason.(please dont take this in a bad way) but ya so you got ____(your answer here)well I'm probably not right so dont listen to me.(well ur choice)

Created by: Tansmaster1
  1. Do you feel embarrassed when you touch/look at eachother?
  2. do you ever have dreams of him?
  3. do you secretly steal glances at him(I mean I do)
  4. have you ever asked questions to other people around you so that when it is his turn you get to know his answer?
  5. do you like think you like him?
  6. do you ask him question like____
  7. are you friends/talk
  8. If he asks you on a date, how would you say?
  9. do you talk to each other by yourself?
  10. so um, say this quiz was good,?!.(ugh I know)

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