Do I like him???

Do you have a crush on him? Find out now! This quiz should be accurate because I did look stuff up and I just used my common knowledge too, so yeah :)

I know that I sometimes wonder about this for a certain person and I can't wait to take this quiz for myself because I am also in need for a quiz like this :)

Created by: dotdotdot of The Best Website Ever!!
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  3. Do you think boys are cute?
  4. How often do you see him?
  5. Do you notice yourself acting different around him?
  6. Do you notice yourself blushing around him?
  7. Do you ever imagine yourself kissing him?
  8. Okay, I have all the info I need. Sorry I hate when quizzes to this to me but I currently don't need anything else from you, so I'm just gonna ask you random questions to u, k?
  9. Will you please click my name and answer my polls and take my other quizzes plz?
  10. hi.

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