Do he like you? (For girls only 6th grade)

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This quiz let's you know if he likes you or not. This for 6th grade girls only and 5th grader girls. I will get back to you on that. This is a very accurate quiz.

Pick the correct answer do not lie be honest no matter what! Plz be honest on this quiz so I can also double check if he likes you or not. Plz take all my edvice I gave you.

Created by: Alex Rudolph
  1. Does he stare at u a lot?
  2. Do u talk to him a lot?
  3. Are u friends with him?
  4. Do u like him?
  5. Is he single?
  6. Does he smile at u?
  7. Did he give you a nickname?
  8. Do u talk to him when your not at school?
  9. Does anyone else like him?
  10. Do your friends and his friends tease you two about being together?

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