Do Guys/girls Think You Are Annoying

There are a lot of annoying people in the world and very few normal people. Just kidding. If you managed to do this test you are normal do not worry the last question does not effect your score I pinky swear (wink wink) just kidding it doesn'T.

In a few minutes your results will show so don't go away! Sing a short song or pick your nose anything you choose. But I would advise you to only pick your nose if no one is watching you if someone is watching you please don'T cross your fingers.

Created by: Jaela
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are at a dance and your friend spills punch on your clothes do you?
  2. You think your friend said something to you behind your back do you?
  3. You get in trouble for passing a note that your friend really passed do you?
  4. Your friends are talking about a sports team that you don't like do you?
  5. Your friend tells the person you have a crush on that you LOVE them do you?
  6. Your friend kisses your boyfriend/girlfriend in a game like Spin the Bottle do you?
  7. Your friend says your Bf/Gf is hot do you?
  8. You like someone a lot do you?
  9. People describe you as what?
  10. You thought this Quiz was.

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