Do boys like you???

There are people out there that boys droll over and there are some that need some help!!What do you thing you are this quiz will tell you there is lots of answers but which one are really you???

In this quiz you will see how much boys really like you!!!!! You may be surprised about what your answer is because some people aren't boy worthy and they thing they are!!!lets just see!!!!!!

Created by: PrincessSallyAnne

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do boys Starr and smile when you walk by??
  2. Do boys get nerves around you
  3. Do boys get nerves when they try to talk to you???
  4. Do boys like to hang around you??
  5. Do boys ask you out??
  6. Do you like boys
  7. Any of your close friends boys?????
  8. Does anyone think your a boy magnet????
  9. Do girls ask you for boy advice
  10. Are you popular
  11. Do you have good highgeen??

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