Divergent aptatute test

Hooray look at you now get ready for the choosing ceremony. When you get to stand on that stage and cut the bottom of your palm to get that blood to choose.

The blood will come out and you will squeeze I onto the faction that you would like to join. Then you will head back with that faction and try to be come one of their members of the sociaty.

Created by: Tris prior
  1. You have the choice between a knive or cheese, what do you choose?
  2. A dog suddenly appeares and starts to run and try to attack you what now?
  3. After the dog is over its rage a girl appears. She says puppy the you look back at the dog and he starts chaising her what?
  4. You have a man reading the news paper. You?
  5. He asks if you know that man and you do. What do you say?
  6. People put you in a box filling with water. Now?
  7. High up in the sky stuck what do you do?
  8. Given a gun and told to shoot someone?
  9. Tied to a mast seroundded by flames now?
  10. How do you like this quiz

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