Divergent Appitude Test

Do you wonder where you belong? Do you want to know who you are? If so, try this quiz. It will tell you if you belong in selfless Abnegation, brave Dauntless, intelligent Erudite, honest Candor, or peaceful Amity.

Are you ready? Take a deep breath, and watch the sky. You don't have to rush, everytthing is fine. You can put on some Divergent music, and eat something. Are you really ready? If so, click the start button. Here goes...

Created by: Tori Wu
  1. Choose an object.
  2. A dog comes and attacks you. What do you do now?
  3. A little cute girl stands at the other side of the room and shouts "Puppy!" . The dog runs after her, and she screams.
  4. A man holds up a picture of a man. Underneath, it says "murderer". He says "Do you know this man." . You do know this man.
  5. He says "You are lying. If you know him, you can save me"
  6. A woman walks towards you. She tells you to kill all the people you hate.
  7. She tells you to kill a list of peoplle you like now, or she will kill you.Do you let her kill you?
  8. You are in school, and you forgot to do your homework. What do you tell your teacher.
  9. Your teacher yells at you for it.
  10. Your teacher gives you detention. Do you arrive?

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