directioner test

ur amazayn ok u dide go ur a genius if u got all correct i try to write something crazy but this thing told me i couldnt write any gibberish psh bequiet

directioner u are an directioner i try to write something crazy but this thing told me i couldnt write any gibberish psh bequiet right i know u know how i feel

Created by: zaynlover
  1. why did zayn have to leave in the middle of the x factor finale's.
  2. what are all the boys middle names
  3. who dyed their hair red for comic relief
  4. who dated a country female singer then broke up
  5. how many r's r there
  6. what song did one direction make a cover for comic relief
  7. who ironed in a thong
  8. what song they did not sing at x factor finale's
  9. how many kca's did one direction get in 2013
  10. what was their second single in take me home album
  11. what were the first tracks in both albums up all night and take me home
  12. who has 1 kidney
  13. who is 1d's body guard
  14. who is a capricorn
  15. what got thrown on the stage tht was so smart to throw
  16. what got thrown at harry and frightened him
  17. what was thrown at harry and harry put it on
  18. what blew into harry's face during a concert
  19. did zayn get a new tattoo this 2013 and if he did what is it
  20. how many tattoo's does zayn have and harry
  21. which tattoo does zayn not have
  22. how old are all the boys this year 2013
  23. WHO IS THE GREATEST BOYBAND IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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