Directioner 101

Many people believe that they are true directioners. But what makes someone a true directioner? It is hard to realise who is really supportive and who is really just following the crowd!?

Are you a directioner? Do you love One Direction? If so take this quiz and see if you really are! This quiz us full of questions that a directioner would answer instantly without bother! GO!

Created by: Emily

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who isn't a member of One Direction?
  2. On what talent show where they formed?
  3. Which band member is Irish?
  4. LWWY is an abbreveation of what?
  5. What have One Direction recently annoucned?
  6. Which song wasn't on the Take Me Home Album
  7. Which member had never been abroad before the X factor?
  8. Which member date Taylor Swift?
  9. Name their first hit single.
  10. What song did they sing at Judges houses?

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