Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns in Spanish

I hope you guys do great, but you can always improve. Never stop improving and always try your hardest because that is what we should all do. So please never stop.

I hope you all learned the correct use of Direct object pronouns and Indirect object pronouns in Spanish. Do your best to pass this quiz. Good luck.

Created by: Roy Gosnell
  1. Which means, they give them to me?
  2. Which means, I don't have it for you?
  3. Which means, I never buy them for her?
  4. Which means, He tells it to him?
  5. What is the Direct object pronoun in, Ella te la vende?
  6. Which means, you need to send it to them?
  7. Which is correct?
  8. Which means, John needs to wash it?
  9. Which means, We should buy it?
  10. Was this a great quiz?

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