Digital Natives

Joel McFarlane argues that there are digital natives and digital immigrants and everyone presently falls into one of these categories. A digital native is one who was born in the digital era while a digital immigrant is one who was born before the digital era.

A digital native is one who was born in the digital era while a digital immigrant is one who was born before the digital era. WHICH ONE ARE YOU? Please complete this survey to find out.

Created by: Joel McFarlane
  1. How old are you?
  2. What is your gender?
  3. What would you rather do?
  4. Which of the following would you use to do research?
  5. You just got a brand new cellular phone. What would you do to set it up?
  6. Do you believe that video games can be used for educational purposes?
  7. Which do you prefer?
  8. Do you remember a time before the internet?
  9. How would a day without the internet go for you?
  10. Does learning things in steps suit you?

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