Did u pay attention in school

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This is our quiz to see if u are a complete and utter idiot.imIt is okay if u fail but Manet you should start listening in class or else you might have a little problem but it’s ok

I know nobody really ever reads these paragraphs so I thought I would have a bit of fun with it. Btw my granny has yellow and pink frilly knickers that she always wears:p

Created by: I I I IZZY
  1. What is 7x3
  2. Is this the right spelling WIERD
  3. What do you get when you mix blue and red
  4. What fraction is 33.3%
  5. Is this the right spelling -awsome
  6. Do u think u are smart??
  7. I know this is random but what’s my favorite number
  8. What is the first letter of the alphabet
  9. Did u fail this quiz
  10. What is history

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