Did he fall for you?!

Have you wondered if he cares for you not?Well take this quiz and it can give you a idea on his feelings on you.You can tell when he looks at you!You've got to be dumb to take this quiz?!

Does he LOVE you or LIKE you two whole differnt things and dont get confused with them!You can fid your answers w/ this quiz!Take this quiz if you dont have a clue but dont watse your time!

Created by: ashley

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does he call you in his freetime?
  2. Does he sound sincere when he says, "I love you."?
  3. Does he ever quit talking to you and just listen to your voice?
  4. Did he ever stop talking to you and text?
  5. What does he say when you see him?
  6. Does he ever ask you "what do you like about me?"
  7. Does he ever talk about something perverted
  8. How often you see him?
  9. What does he know about you?
  10. did you like this quiz?

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