Dice Punishment

We'll, someone's been naughty! Take this quiz to find out what punishment you should receive for being bad! Maybe it will teach you NOT to be do bad in the future ...

For this quiz you will need a D6 (A regular die with 6 sides) If you do not have one you can use an online dice roller, a dice rolling app, or ask an impartial someone to pick a number from 1-6. The punishments can be painful, embarrassing, or just weird... So go ahed, do my quiz, and the punishment! (If you don't it will really suck and you will feel guilty and haunted with the thought of knowing that you didn't for the rest of your life!!!!!!!!)

Created by: No
  1. Roll a die
  2. Roll a die again
  3. Roll a die again
  4. Roll a die again
  5. Roll a die again
  6. C'mon, just 4 left... ROLL!!!
  7. Ok I lied, NOW you have 4 rolls left
  8. Just three more!!!
  9. Second last roll, are you exited?
  10. Woo Hoo! One last roll! Cow.

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