Diamond 💎 or coal

This quiz is slightly bonkers and may not work but will hopefully! Fingers crossed! ✌️ (Imagine they are crossed) I don't really wanna write this but I have to so..ye)

Once again I need this to be long enough so I am typing random stuff. Here is a hint for my quiz: unpredictable!!!!!!! Think carefully about what to put and BE HONEST!!!!

Created by: TMRC100
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your dog dies in a fight with the ender dragon, do you:
  2. Cats or dogs (crucial question)
  3. To get lots of diamonds you:
  4. Your favourite server is:
  5. Are you weird?
  6. Your favourite emoji is:
  7. Which trade is best:
  8. Your fav villager is a:
  9. Coal or diamond?
  10. Thanks for playing!!! How do you rate this quiz?

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