Desert Dogs Tribes

Im writing a book called desert dogs, and this is a quiz about the Tribes, the Fox Tribe, the Wolf Tribe, and the Coyote Tribe. And maybe when you're done you can go to my website ( and join one of our clans!

Which tribe are you in? Fox, Wolf, or Coyote? Red, blue, or yellow? Fire, water, or air? Maybe your in Fox Tribe, the stealthy and cunning? or maybe you're in the Wolf Tribe, the strong and mighty? lets find out!

Created by: Violetfox

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. fave color
  2. fave element
  3. choose
  4. choose
  5. scary dude comes up to u
  6. do u consider urself good?
  8. what does pie mean to u?
  9. what tribe do u want to be in
  10. last question

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