Descendents Quiz

This quiz is all about descendants 1 and 2. Some questions are hard and some are not. Can you ace this quiz? If you can't, definitely research and retake this!

Do you have what it takes to do well on this quiz? Test your knowledge to find out! You need to know a lot about descendants! You might need a descendants comic to help.

Created by: avery
  1. What is malificent's daughter's name?
  2. What is evil queen's daughter's name?
  3. Where do the villains live?
  4. Who is jafar's kid?
  5. Who is carlos's dad?
  6. Who malificent's kid's boyfriend?
  7. What is they're school called?
  8. What color is carlos's hair?
  9. What is malificent's kid's favorite fruit?
  10. Can malificent's kid swim?

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