Descendants 1 & 2 trivia

Today you will take my Descendants trivia quiz. You will answer some questions and then you will get a score based off of how well you did on the quiz. Below are some rules.

Here are the rules for my Descendants trivia quiz.1. If commenting, please be nice. 2. Pease do not get mad at yourself if you did not do perfect. 3. Have fun!

Created by: Lily
  1. Who is the main antagonist?
  2. Who is the main protagonist?
  3. Who is Mal's boyfriend?
  4. Who is Carlos's girlfriend?
  5. Who is Harry Hook?
  6. Who says, "I saw the way your face lit up when we walked in those dorms for the first time?"
  7. Who says, "It may be a little unnecessary, but oh, it is so much fun?"
  8. What color is Mal's moped?
  9. What color is Ben' s suit?
  10. Finally, who is Evie's crush?

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