Descendants, Carlos Quiz

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This Quiz will see if you know Carlos in Descendants! If you get 100% put it in the comments! If you get 0% (that is really unlikley) try again!!!!!!!

If you get a really bad score you should try agin! Remember to watch Descendants, Jesse and Dunk'd if you have not. They are all on Disney+!!!!! Whoop

Created by: Kitty100
  1. Who is the actor to Carlos
  2. What is his number in sports
  3. What level is he on in Descendants 1
  4. Whats his dogs name?
  5. Who is his girl friend
  6. How old did he die (in real life)
  7. His name was Luke in what show?
  8. As Luke, name his brother
  9. Name Lukes younger sister
  10. Name his older sister
  11. Witch Brother/Sister did not act in 'Dunk'D'

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