Democrat or Republican?

Are you conservative or liberal? Republican or Democrat? Are you sure? I didn't know how I felt about some of the issues up for debate. Now I do. And you can too! Just take this short quiz and all your questions will be answered.

Are you conservative or liberal? Republican or Democrat? Are you sure? I didn't know how I felt about some of the issues up for debate. Now I do. And you can too! Just take this short quiz and all your dreams will come true.

Created by: Joshua Key
  1. How do you feel about gun control?
  2. Do you agree with capital punishment (the death penalty)?
  3. Should same sex couples be allowed to marry?
  4. Do you think taxes need to be increased?
  5. Where do you stand on the issue of discrimination?
  6. Do you support abortion?
  7. How do think we should achieve world peace?
  8. What level of control should the government have of individual enterprise?
  9. Should military spending increase?
  10. Should the United States work in alliance with other countries?
  11. Which is the best solution to protect our environment?
  12. Should prayer be allowed in school?
  13. What do you think should be done about the rising need for welfare and government assistance?

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