I hope you all had a great time taking this quiz and as soon as I get my tablet fixed I will make another quiz but for now this is all bye and have a good holidays

Are you a demigod and will you go to camp half blood before the monsters find you.and also comment what you want my next quiz will be I dunno what to make now

Created by: iballisticgirl

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What would you do if you were attacked by a giant alligator
  2. What is your favorite god/goddes
  3. Do you have a mental disorder
  4. What would your dream powers be
  5. If your friend has been badly injured how would you find a way to help
  6. If your friend has been badly injured how would you find a way to help
  7. How would you handle a serious matter
  8. What is your favorite color
  9. What is your ideal dream vacation
  10. Do you believe in the gods/goddesses

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