Decode yourself!!

ME...MOI...ICH! All of these mean "me" in a different language. But how well do you actually know that person. I don't know either. But, this quiz does! Take this quiz to find out how well you!

How well do You know yourself? Are you a tree hugger? Are you punk? Are you a teacher's pet? Or are you a lovey-dovey brain person? Take this quiz to find out who you really are.

Created by: Kelsey
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. YOur fav. kind of music is...
  2. do you have any pets?
  3. Your favorite saying is...
  4. Your favorite number is...
  5. your favorite color is...
  6. Quick pick one...
  7. Favorite subject...
  8. the glass is...
  9. If I could go anywhere I would go to...
  10. I write with my...

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Quiz topic: Decode myself!!