Death Note Character Quiz

Deathnote... a legendary manga/anime writen by the worlds greatest minds. And it all boils down to one book, one man... Near a super geneus and stuff and more stuf

Do you relate to one of the geniuses found in the story bord and pages of DeathNote? I a deathnote specialisit, who has studied every fact and parody of this great noval is about to ask you....Are you a genius?????

Created by: Deathnote-specialtist
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you feel as if you are misunderstood by others?
  2. you come across a stranger and he offers you chocolate.
  3. ROLE PLAY TIME!!! you wake up find mello at the foot of your bead, you say...
  4. What is your view on polotics?
  5. Have you been dienosed with bi-polar dissorder?
  6. favorite color. (Please don't hunt me down and kill me for asking this question!! have mercy!!)
  7. favorite food (again, don't kill me)
  8. do you consiter yourself inteligent?
  9. whats your dream job
  10. (most important question.) *drumroll* peperoni or sausage ;D

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