Date with Jeff the killer

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The picture is my friend on a date so cuteeee ship it ^o^^0^~_~^_^^o^^_^>"<^3^^0^~_~:-D^o^^0^^3^^_^~_~:-)~_~^_^^o^^_^<3^3^:-)~_~^o^^_^^o^^_^^_^~_~^_^


Created by: Brook_Cats
  1. Time to get ready what will you wear
  2. What bag
  3. K now ill get him ready (choose a suit for him)
  4. What do you order (Doesn't affect result)
  5. (Jeff: I'll have the Chicken)
  6. (After dinner)
  7. What do you say?
  8. (At your house)
  9. *Your playing on ur tv* *rock hits window* you?
  10. Jeff: *throws note up there*
  11. Dear (Name) I had fun tonight maybe we should hangout sometime

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