Dark sonic quiz

This quiz is about Dark Sonic, and Dark Sonic fanboys. There are probaly a lot. Hey... Are YOU a fan boy? Maybe, and maybe not. However... This quiz...

Will fix that. I am admittedly a dark sonic fanboy. I admit it. Why don't you try it out? Maybe you know more than me. Only time (and cooperation) will tell...

Created by: Gohan
  1. In what episode did Dark Sonic appear in?
  2. What color is dark sonic's fur?
  3. Is Dark Sonic strong?
  4. Is dark sonic evil?
  5. What color are his eyes?
  6. Dark sonic vs Gold/silver. Who wins?
  7. Why does he turn dark?
  8. Did you like the quiz? (doesn't affect score)
  9. Should i make more?
  10. Wanna see your results?

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