Cutie Quiz see what you are

There are so many things you could think you are but really you might not know what the real you is. Take this quiz and you will find the real you. ;)

Now you will take this quiz to see what your true person is. Lets see what you are common try it and you might just be supprised by your rezsult its fun.

Created by: jlove

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is your favorite color/colors
  2. favorite mythical creature/animal
  3. if you could be anything what would it be
  4. would you consider yourself pretty
  5. what hair color would u like
  6. how do you describe your personalitly (how do u think your style is)
  7. do you prefer pointy as heck dagger or a curvy bow with the sharpest or arrows
  8. LAST QUESTION. what style do u like most
  9. whats your biggest fear
  10. what mythical thing would you ever want to be
  11. and last what do u think you are

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