Cute or Not ;-) by Skylan

This quiz it to see if you are cute or not. But if you are happy with who you are then don't take this quiz because this is to find your true self, so good luck.

This quiz has 12 questions so pick them as you, not your future self, and how you want to look. This is a good quiz I hope if you like your self don't take this quiz and good luck ;-).

Created by: skylan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you have a boyfriend?
  2. Do you care what you look like or do you like taking quizs?
  3. What color hair do you have?
  4. What color eyes do you have?
  5. What skin color do you have?
  6. Do you where makeup?
  7. Do you like animals?
  8. Are you emo?
  9. Do you follow rules?
  10. This quiz was to see if you are cute or not but this is the last question k. Do you think your cute.

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