Criss Angel quiz @

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From the dawn of the earth till now, there has been MANY geniouses! but no one has ever found..... THE CRISS ANGEL GENIUS!!!!!! that is the person who can name his whole life in 15 mins without google and in full detail! only 12 in 1 000 000 people can do so!

Are YOU that person? are YOU the Criss Angel expert? If you think you know more about Criss Angel, then criss himself, then take this quiz and prove it!

Created by: criss angel's biggest fan

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. when was Criss born?
  2. What is Criss's cats name?
  3. where is Criss living right now?
  4. Criss was in a band with his old friends, what was it called?
  5. whats Criss's real name?
  6. What is Criss's middle name?
  7. what is Criss's moms name?
  8. what year did Criss receive a magic award?
  9. does criss have any siblings?
  10. what are his siblings names?

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