creepypasta love quiz

there are many smart people but few true geniuses. genius is, after all quite exeptinal

are you a genius? do you have the brain powerto qulify for that prestigious tittle?

Created by: peyton
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. me:ok welcome and time for some rp ok so jeff first jeff:whts ur fav color
  2. me:ok ben ben:do u like games
  3. me:do u ever ask a differend qustion then tht ben:nope me:whatever ok eyeless jack e.j.:do u like kidneys
  4. me:l.g. get in here and ask (y/n) a qustion l.g.:opinion on candy
  5. me:toby ask away toby:uuuuuuuuuuhhhh i got nothing sry me:its fine ok fate?
  6. me:u cant go yet im asking now
  7. me:ok freebie
  8. me:personality
  9. me:purple or purple
  10. me:fate? for real this time

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