Creator Rights and Responsibilities

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Copyright is a very important concept to learn and use. The sooner you grasp the concept, the better you will be able to avoid the temptation of stealing someone else's work.

Just remember: you wouldn't want to work really hard on something, then have someone steal it and call it your own. So, make sure you are showing respect to others by using their materials appropriately. Take this short quiz and see how much you understand about a creator's rights and responsibilities.

Created by: Cindy Hanks
  1. Why is it important to give credit to someone when you use their creative work?
  2. What is it called when you directly copy information from an online source without giving credit?
  3. Why is illegal to plagiarize or pirate other people's work?
  4. What are some ways that you can use and rework copyrighted materials and it remain legal?
  5. What does it mean when you "rework" copyrighted material?
  6. How can you tell if something is truly fair use?
  7. What is one public domain website that you can visit to use and share other's creative photos?
  8. What is it called when parts of a whole are rearranged and fused back together to create a new work.
  9. True of False: Copyright only applies to written work, not music, pictures or videos.
  10. True or False: Plagiarism and piracy are disrespectful and irresponsible.

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