Creativity Quiz!

Have you ever been scorned by the facebook creativity quiz and have complained about the whole "your bucket of creativity is empty"? No longer! Take this quiz and you will never be so wrongfully judged again!

Do you have a full bucket or empty bucket of creativity? Find out with this stellar quiz that will judge you on your knowledge of the PC art , theatre, and music departments while also adding in some random inside jokes that you will never guess. Have fun and remember if your bucket of creativity is full people don't hate you!!!

Created by: marisa

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You are attending Providence College and your major is...
  2. Your favorite color scheme is...
  3. You have to go to a concert, your favorite music genre is...
  4. You go to the coffee shop on campus and order...
  5. If you had to name the art and music buildings on campus they would be...
  6. You can pick any role you want in the upcoming musical performance of Sweeny Todd in Smith center, you choose...
  7. Your name is or should have been...
  8. If you could live anywhere is the world you would choose and the color of your house would be...
  9. You want your bucket of paint to be...
  10. When you are studying for finals your study strategy is...

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