Creative Inventors: What is Your Dream Workspace?

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Hello, creative inventors! If you're a scientist like I am, you'll need a workspace. Maybe you don't know what kind to choose...Never fear! This quiz is here!

This quiz will help you figure out which kind of workspace you want and/or need. It's a simple 10-question one, too, so don't worry, your experiments will be fine!

Created by: Elena
  1. Your type of science/tech is:
  2. Some equipment you'd want is:
  3. Your "mad scientist" laugh sounds like:
  4. When do you use your mad scientist laugh?
  5. Someday, you want to invent:
  6. Your favorite equipment is:
  7. Your favorite thing would be:
  8. Currently, your project is:
  9. Your workspace is:
  10. What do you like about science?

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Quiz topic: Creative Inventors: What is my Dream Workspace?
